Application for Membership
To apply for membership of the Australian War Widows Queensland, please complete the following. Information will be kept strictly confidential.
AWWQ membership is open to war widows who are designated Gold Card holders by the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA), which means that the death of their husband or partner has been accepted as being due to war causes. Becoming a member also allows you to vote for Directors to serve on the Board and vote on changes put forward by the Board. Associate membership applications are welcome (details are on the membership application).
Membership is $25.00 per year and if you require a Badge, a further $5.00 is requested. Money Order/Cheque to be made payable to the Australian War Widows Queensland.
Memberships are valid for a period of 12 months, from 1 April to 31 March the following year.
Complete the form below, or click HERE for a downloadable copy
Please note, if you do not have a Gold Card you can not compelete the below form and will need to fill out the downloadable copy, as two nominators are required for Associate Membership